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I am finally sharing my home office with you all. When we moved in our house this was the first room that I managed to completely decorate fairly quickly. I wanted something girly but not to the point where it looked like someone threw up pink all over it. I definitely did not want to go thru the hassle of painting any walls, I’ve done that so many times and for now I’m over it! Well at least for a little while.
I wanted my office to be functional but also reflect my style. I ultimately decided on the colors blush rose gold and mint to give it a feminine feel. I love the way it turned out. Honestly the only thing I would change is my office chair even though I love the look and color its not the most comfortable chair to sit in for a long period of time so if anyone has any suggestion for a comfy chair that will fit in with my decor comment below! Currently eyeing this one and this one they both look pretty comfy.
Now time for you to see the office!! I tried my best to include links to as much things as possible but some of the items I’ve had for a long time and are no longer available, so I linked some similar items enjoy!
The Reading Nook
Chair: Similar HERE HERE| Mint pillow: Similar HERE | Clear side table: Amazon | Polka dot bin : Pehr |Curtains: Walmart | Fur Couch Throw (old): Similar HERE | Dressform (old): Similar HERE
This chair ended up home with me after I took a trip to Homegoods just to look around, we all know that its nearly impossible to go to Homegoods just to look and not walk out with anything… Well I walked out with a whole chair hahaha. To be honest I haven’t used this nook as much as I would like because most if the time I have clothes pilled on this chair from cleaning out my closet that I sell on Poshmark. But thats something I have been working on, decluttering my house… but thats for a later post….
This pink cone like object was was actually a Christmas decor I found at a store called At Home in their clearance section and the colors fit so perfectly with my office that I had to bring it home with me!
Aren’t these pencils cute! As I’m sure you’ve already guess I don’t use them I think they are too cute to be used and just keep them there for decoration, am I the only one that does that?? This pink glass cup is from IKEA and its only $2.99!I love these boxes they bring a pop of color to the room filled with mostly pastel colors. I keep my extra stationary in there. The framed art is actually fabric I found on clearance at Joann Fabric and famed it that was way cheaper than buying one already made!
I actually got this polka dot bin from Popsugar must have box, which is an awesome monthly subscription box. I love it because it has a variety of items in the box from beauty products to house decor items to accessories like jewelry or purses to food. The terrarium and the tray like wood decor (which is actually a small cutting board) is also from Popsugar must have box. This leopard mug was from H&M unfortunately they don’t sell it anymore and I couldn’t find a similar one. The clear acrylic table is from amazon, its actually a set of 3 nesting table.
The Desk
Desk: IKEA | Plant pot: IKEA | Tray: Odeme | Ring Dish: Odeme | Pencil holder (old): Similar HERE | Lamp (Old): Similar HERE | Marble Planner: Filofax | Rose Gold: Filofax | Fur stool (old) : Similar HERE |Rug: Amazon
So I really wanted a gold and white desk, but after searching everywhere I didn’t want to spend a couple of hundred dollars on a desk so I decided to make this a DIY project and head to IKEA! This desk was only $100 ! I painted the legs and border gold. I did it before putting it together and used a spray paint so it was pretty easy. But this desk has become a bit small so I might eventually upgrade to one of the bigger pricier ones. I am currently loving this one and have it on my wish list.
This stapler is another product of an unplanned target purchase, I couldn’t leave itI I found it on clearance !! I actually planned on purchasing a gold and clear one like this one, but when I saw that one at target I liked it way better. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the pink one but I did find the white and gold one HERE.
I purchased this lamp at Homegoods unfortunately I couldn’t find it online but here is a similar one HERE and HERE.
Believe it or not this number sign is actually a napkin holder I found in the target clearance section, but its not available anymore.
This tray was another one of the items I received from a Popsugar must have box, its meant to be used as a jewelry tray but I liked it better in my office. Unfortunately this pencil holder is not longer available I found it at target, here is a similar one HERE.
More item from Popsugar Must Have Box!! Have you noticed a trend here yet!! This pink tin box is actually a box that was full of chocolate from of course I ate all the chocolate in one day but I loved the box so much that I saved it.
Wall Art
Most of the art I purchased is no longer available unfortunately.
The black marble and pink abstract frame art are both actually folders I found at target dollar spot and cut it to fit in the frame, genius right?? Art can be super expensive doing this is an affordable way to have supper cute art on your wall.
Paris Wall art (old): Similar HERE |Curtains: Walmart |Pink grey storage box: Amazon |Vase (old): Similar HERE
The Finishing Touches
Rolling cart: Similar HERE | Basking Bin: Throw (old): Similar HERE HERE
I Purchased this rolling cart at IKEA a while back and its no longer available but found a similar one HERE.
This chest of drawers was super affordable! I use it to store my belts and scarves (see the picture bellow). Its perfect for narrow spaces.
I purchased these boxes from Homegoods unfortunately I couldn’t find a similar one online.
My Fur Babies
Here are my fur babies just because! Lola on the left is a Siberian Husky and Bruno on the right is a Dogo Argentino. If you have any questions about anything I haven’t linked feel free to leave a comment bellow and I will try my best to find a similar one for you!
Thank you for stopping by! As always I’d love to connect! leave a comment below to say hi or follow me on Instagram!
Hello Stephanie,
What a home designer you are! I am very happy to see this awesome and lucrative post. You are my perfect guide to decor my new house by following your idea.
Thank you Suhana!
Beautiful 😍 work what color paint you use for the walls ?
Hi Frances! Thank you! The color is the original color from our builder. It’s agreeable grey by Sherwin William