One Room Challenge Spring 2022 Week 1 – Pantry Makeover
I’m so excited to be joining the One Room Challenge this spring. I am finally giving my pantry a makeover! The pantry has been a mess for a while, I’ve tried organizing it a few times but the lack of shelves makes it nearly...
Easy DIY Wood Cabinet Handles
We have been working on our garage makeover since November, between both of us working full time and having a toddler its taken us a while to finish it. So far we’ve built our workbench, built and painted our cabinets. You can see our...
Complete Garage Makeover update Part 1
Since we moved in our house back in 2016 I have been wanting to give our garage a makeover, but I kept putting off because of lack of time. We finally made a plan and got started on the garage. In this post I...
Easy DIY Toddler outdoor bowling alley using Cricut Joy
This Post is sponsored by Cricut, but as always all opinions are my own. We recently went bowling with Aiden, and he loved it so much that I decided to build him an outdoor bowling alley. This was super easy to do only took...
Complete Deck Makeover Part 1 Cleaning the Deck
This post is the part I of out deck makeover, which will include: Cleaning the deck You can wash the full video below I will also include tips to make the process go smoothly, tell you what not to do based on my mistakes...
6 Tips for decluttering your family room
Yes I know we are in May, and it took me longer than I expected to get these blog post live, but better late than never right?? Each month I have been picking one area of my house to declutter, this is the easiest...
DIY wood shelf Tutorial
I have been wanting to add shelves to Aiden’s Montessori playroom for quite some time now, but after searching for some to buy I realized I could make my own at a fraction of the price. Shelves are a great way to add extra...
DIY Christmas Alphabet Ornaments in 3 easy steps
I wanted to do something different this year for our Christmas tree, so I decide to make some of my own ornaments. Since I now have a toddler I thought it would be fun to do an alphabet themed Christmas tree. This was super...