How to Declutter & Organize your entire house with a busy schedule
If you are looking for a declutter your house in 24 hours blog post, then this is probably not the right guide for you. I’ve read those guides tried them and failed miserably every single time. Why? Because I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff...
10 Tips for crushing your goals in 2020
If you are anything like I was, chances are every year you have all of these goals you want to achieve and you are all pumped about it in January! Then before you know it, December is here and you haven’t even accomplished half...
WHY GO TO IKEA?? Short answer its AMAZING! And things there are super affordable ! I mean where else can you buy a coffee table for $9.99! If you’ve never been to IKEA, you are missing out BIG time, its every thing you have...
The Final Walk Through Checklist- A Quick Guide to Closing on Your First Home
Two years ago we became homeowners at the age of 28 and 32. It was one of our major goals that we accomplished! We weren’t planning on purchasing a new constructions but after looking at all our options we decided a new construction was...
Top 3 favorite apps to help you be productive and organized
If your like me you probably have multiple to do list everywhere. I have to do list on sticky notes, notebooks, and even the notepad on my phone, but I rarely ever cross anything out of my to do list. I probably could get...
Life Happened
If you’ve been following me I’m sure you noticed I’ve been MIA for a while its because well life kinda just happened. I got super busy and blogging kind of took back seat for a while, but I missed blogging and sharing with you...