New moms must have The ultimate list for the first 12 months
When I found out I was pregnant all I did was spend hours on youtube and google researching what I really needed for a baby. As a first time mom I had no clue what I really needed but I knew that I didn’t want to waste...
5 ways to use the Tush Swiper- Mom Hacks
I first came across the tush swiper from Eli & Ali Baby while I was pregnant with Aiden back in 2018, right before they first launched their brand. I originally intended on using just for diaper cream. Then once I actually started using it,...
10 Tips for crushing your goals in 2020
If you are anything like I was, chances are every year you have all of these goals you want to achieve and you are all pumped about it in January! Then before you know it, December is here and you haven’t even accomplished half...
Why do We Constantly Doubt our Mother’s Intuition?
We all experience that gut feeling. The one we get when we shouldn’t do something. It can’t be explained but we just know that something doesn’t seem right. This gut feeling would always revolve around me, until I became a mom. Once I had...
How to take First Birthday Photoshoot at home
We wanted to get pictures taken for Aiden for his first birthday but a professional photographer was just not in our budget so we decided to give it a try since we had alot of the equipment already. I think the end results turned...
Avocado Theme First Birthday party Ideas
If you haven’t figured it out by now I love Avocado! So you could say this birthday theme was more for me than Aiden, but I figured I might as well go for it before he becomes old enough to tell me what he...
DIY Avocado High Chair Banner
I had a vision in mind for the Avocado High Chair Banner I wanted for Aiden but I couldn’t find it anywhere! So I decided to make my own! This is something you might not know about me but I live for DIY projects, I just haven’t...
What I Wish I knew my first year as a mom
When I became pregnant I watched soo many youtube videos, read so many blog post about buying the perfect car seat, the perfect stroller, the perfect baby bottles. But nothing you can read or watch or listen really prepares you for motherhood. So here...