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Can you all believe we are already in March! I’m excited that I finally finished decluttering and organizing my kitchen. I will be showing you all the video soon. This post will be filled with tips on how you can easily declutter and organized your entire kitchen in 30 days or less, or if life happens in a little more than 3o days.
Why I chose to start with the kitchen
If you are wondering why I chose to do the kitchen first, it’s because that is where we spend most of our time. Cooking was becoming a nightmare because everything was everywhere, and the kitchen was a mess 90% of the time
For me the kitchen was a lot more organizing than decluttering because for the most part I didn’t have that many things we didn’t use in the kitchen. Although the one area that was major decluttering was the junk drawer! You can see a picture of how it looked below eek!

Tips for decluttering your own kitchen
Have a plan
On the blog post “How to Declutter & Organize your entire House with a Busy Schedule” I included some pretty awesome templates to help you plan out what you are going to declutter on a monthly basis. I decided to pick one area of the house per month, and wrote then every section of that area I wanted to declutter. You CLICK HERE to read more about that.
Tackle the most time consuming area on days you are off
For our kitchen that was definitely the pantry it took me over an 2 hours to clean and organized. So I made sure to do it on a day I was off and didn’t have errands going on
If you didn’t remember you had it do you really need it?
Probably not, because if you did you would remember you had it. so get rid of it so you can make space for the stuff you actually use.
If you can’t let go of it because you might need it one day
Then put it in a box or bag in your garage and if it stays untouched for a month or two, then you really don’t need it just say goodbye. I am very guilty of this I hold on to things because I might need it one day, in reality it stays untouched for years.
You do not need multiples of the same item
You really don’t need 3 peelers or 2 apple slicers or 50 million cups (I’m exaggerating but you get my point).

Here are 5 Items you can get rid of today
1. Small appliances you never use
2. Tupperware missing lids
3. Dull knives
4. Extras you have laying around
5. Anything in your junk drawer you have touched in a few months