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If you’ve been following me I’m sure you noticed I’ve been MIA for a while its because well life kinda just happened. I got super busy and blogging kind of took back seat for a while, but I missed blogging and sharing with you all things that I love and let you be a part of our little family. First I figured I would do a mini life update!
We Bought a house!
Last time I posted we were in the middle of moving and thats when life kinda just happened. We were purchasing a new home and going thru the stress of packing between working and stressing about whether our home will be ready in time before our lease was up. Being first time homebuyers we had no clue what we were doing and lots of things we would have done differently, which I am planning on sharing with you all soon! But in the end it all worked out and we become first time homeowners!!! All our years of hard work and sacrificed finally paid off!
We Became Parents to Another Fur baby!
A couple of months after moving we had a new addition to our family. Our fur baby Bruno, my least favorite part of bringing a new pet home is the training with poop and pee messes everywhere…… But I wouldn’t have it any other I can’t Imagine my life without either of them. Oh and did I mention our first fur baby Lola decided it was a good idea to chew our wall in our new home less than a week after we moved…. she’s lucky she’s cute and we love her.
We Became Parents to a Tiny Human!
Fast forward a year later I found out I was pregnant and I became a first time mommy to my perfect little baby boy Aiden, don’t worry I will be bombarding you all with his cuteness! Now I am back, and I promise this time I am here to stay! I missed blogging too much to let it take a back seat again. Here are some of the things I am currently loving and own below!