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Because I love scented candles and I am kind of a Bath & Body Works junky, I have lots of candle jars lying around that I refuse to throw out because I hoard jars. (Nope! Not ashamed of it!) So I decided to be green and recycle, and reuse them for my lipsticks and lip gloss I had stashed in a make up bag. It’s supper easy to do and doesn’t take long at all.
Here is what you will need:
• Old candle Jar
• Boling hot water
• Sponge or old rag
• Soap
• Goo gone
STEP 1. Boil some water in a pot or teakettle then carefully pour it in the candle jar. Make sure you are super careful while doing this. You might have to do this step more than once depending on how much wax there is.
STEP 2. Let it sit for an hour or so, and let the water cool down. You will know it’s ready once the wax rises to the surface and solidifies, as pictured below. Once that happens just remove the floating wax. Repeat step 1 if necessary.
STEP 3. Using an old knife carefully scrape the metal pieces at the bottom holding the wick.
STEP 4. Removing the label: The easiest way I’ve found is using goo gone (Click Here) this stuff is AMAZING. Carefully pour it over the label and wait a minute or so and it will easily peel off! This will also remove any sticky goo left behind by the label. If you don’t have goo gone you can use a sponge with warm water and soap.
STEP 5. Once all the wax is out and the label has been removed clean the jar with warm soapy water using an old rag or sponge. Use more goo gone if any glue is left behind from the label.
And voila! You have jar for your lipsticks and lipgloss you had lying around. Now you can easily see them and display them.