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We all experience that gut feeling. The one we get when we shouldn’t do something. It can’t be explained but we just know that something doesn’t seem right.
This gut feeling would always revolve around me, until I became a mom. Once I had my son, the feeling then heightened one hundred-fold and no longer revolved around just me. You ever hear a mom say something like “I just knew my son was about to fall without even being in the same room as him,” that’s your mother’s intuition telling you that something is off. But why do we always seem to ignore our mother’s intuition and listen to unsolicited advice from others?

This is something I find myself doing time and time again, and every single time I go against my mother’s intuition because of someone else opinion, the outcome is never a positive one.
When Aiden was a few months old he started to develop a pretty bad diaper rash. Everyone told me I needed a zinc-based diaper rash cream. Zinc is the main ingredient in most of the diaper creams available on the market today. Prior to that I had never used a zinc-based diaper rash cream for Aiden. I did purchase one before he was born, and like everything else I put on him I tried it on myself first. It took so much wiping and scrubbing to remove from my skin so I thought to myself that this would be way too harsh to use on a newborn.

But of course, when your child is suffering as a mom you become a blubbering mess and any intelligence you have somehow disappears. In my case, the doctorate degree I have just becomes irrelevant.
So, I went against my mother’s intuition and used one of the popular brands of diaper rash cream that contains zinc and petroleum and all the ingredients I should have avoided. As a result, Aiden’s rash got worse within a day. Once I stopped using the zinc-based diaper cream and went back to using Earth Mama’s diaper balm, the rash cleared up within a few days.
I was upset with myself for not following my gut and continued using the Earth Mama Diaper Balm for Aiden as I had been since he was born. This is not the first incident where I didn’t listen to my mother’s intuition that resulted in a negative outcome.
I’ve had to realize that I can’t let the outside world influence my decisions when it comes to my son. Whether the advice comes from a family member or a stranger, if it doesn’t feel right I don’t do it. This is not to say that no one’s advice is good except my own, but instead I will take any advice I am given and only apply it if it feels right.
As mom’s we are constantly doubting ourselves, always questioning our decisions, always letting other people’s advice affect our decisions.
“What if I follow my mom’s intuition and something bad happens?”
“What if the advice this person gave me was right?”
“Why did I not follow my mom’s intuition?! I’m such a bad mom”
These are just a few of the thoughts that go through my mind on a daily basis. So, I am here to tell you mamas to ALWAYS trust your mom’s intuition. It doesn’t matter who is giving you advice, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Because at the end of the day, this is your child and only you and your partner know the right way to raise your child.

Thank you, Earth Mama Organics, for making an amazing clean diaper balm and many other baby products, and for sending us a fresh jar of diaper balm.
Aside from that incident, Earth Mama Organics Diaper balm is the only diaper balm I’ve used for Aiden since he was born (he is now 16 months old). I also use many of their other products for my family.
Here are a couple of reasons why I LOVE Earth Mama Diaper Balm:
It is free of zinc, petroleum, parabens and artificial fragrance.
It has more of an ointment silky texture to it, compared to most diaper creams that feel like a thick paste, which are usually difficult to get off your skin.
It is also amazing for dry patches on the skin for the entire family. If you have some left over after your little one no longer needs a diaper cream, it will not go to waste because you can use it for so many other things!

If you have been following me for a while, I’m sure by now you know my love for Earth Mama products. I’ve practically tried almost all the products they make!